Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Ste Rose du Lac — Ste. Rose du Lac RCMP arrest WANTED male

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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Ste Rose du Lac — Ste. Rose du Lac RCMP arrest WANTED male

Friday 17 May 2024 07:00 PM UTC+00 | Tags: manitoba
On May 12, 2024, Ste. Rose du Lac RCMP received information on the whereabouts of a WANTED male. Manuel Houle, 39, was currently WANTED on four warrants for a number of serious charges and believed to be inside a residence. Officers contained the home on Ebb and Flow First Nation, and a warrant to search was obtained.  Officers along with Police Service Dog Marook, entered the home and located the suspect hiding. He refused to listen to police commands and was arrested after a brief altercation.  He was taken to hospital where he was treated and released.
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